Once teachers become familiar with the books
that support each strategy, they are encouraged to begin adding their own titles
to their collections.
Attention Australian Educators: We are no longer able to ship books to Australia due to high postage costs. To order books, please do so through Hawker Brownlow Education
Writing Power
(plus GST & Shipping)
Nonfiction Writing Power
(plus GST & Shipping)
Reading Power, Nonfiction Reading Power & Writing Power
ALL available in French from Modulo Publishing.
Follow this link to order: www.scolaire.groupemodulo.com
Also available Nonfiction Writing Power in French from Cheneliere Education.
Follow this link to order: www.cheneliere.ca
books recommended to support the Writing Power strategies
can be ordered directly on line from:
Vancouver Kidsbooks
United Library Services (B.C. and Calgary)
School House Teaching Supplies and Children's Book Store (Victoria)
S&B books (Toronto)
CanLit- Canadian Literature for Kids and Teens
Hawker Brownlow Education