Welcome to the updated Reading Power Resource Section!
There have been some changes made, which I hope will be helpful as you continue
to implement Reading Power in your classrooms. The most exciting change is
that the black lined master templates are now available as a WORD document,
rather than a PDF file. This will allow you to CUSTOMIZE the templates to meet
your needs and the needs of your students. It will also allow you to model
lessons on a SMART board using the templates. Also the reproducible sheets
have been “bundled” into TEN different packages, each of which
include MANY new and updated BLM’s for each strategy, songs for each strategy,
assessment rubrics and home reading pages. There are also two brand new Writing
Power bundles with many new planning pages and templates. Yes, there is a now
a small charge for each bundle – but I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Each bundle is $8.95 + Tax and will be emailed to you within 24hrs of transaction.
Bundle #1 – CONNECT
Included in this bundle are many variations of reproducible templates for supporting and practicing the strategy of making connections using both fiction and nonfiction texts. Also included are: the Connect song, Connect information page for Parents, Home Reading Sheet, Connect bookmark, connect rubrics and report card comments.
Bundle #2 – QUESTION
Included in this set are a wide variety of reproducible BLM templates which provide students with an opportunity to practice and apply the strategy of Questioning to both fiction and nonfiction texts. Also included is the Question song, Question assessment rubrics and Question report card comments, Parent information sheet, Question Home Reading Page and Question book mark.
Bundle #3 – VISUALIZE
Included in this collection, you will find a wide variety of reproducible templates that students can use to apply the strategy of VISUALIZING. Also included are two Visualizing songs, assessment rubrics and report card comments, Visualize information sheet for parents, home reading sheet and a Visualize book mark.
Bundle #4 – INFER
Included in this section is a wide variety of BLM templates that will provide many opportunities for your students to practice inferring with both fiction and nonfiction texts. There are several different versions of the O.W.I. (Observe – Wonder – Infer) including one that can be used for weekly OWI photographs. Also included is the INFER song, an assessment rubric and report card comments, INFER parent information sheet, home reading sheet and an INFER bookmark.
Bundle #5 – TRANSFORM
Included in this bundle are: Key Phrases for Transform, a wide variety of reproducible Transform templates for both Fiction and Nonfiction texts, two Transform songs, assessment rubrics and report card assessment comments for Transform as well as a parent information sheet, a Transform home reading sheet and a Transform book mark.
Bundle #6 – NONFICTION (Zoom In, Determine Importance)
In this bundle you will find reproducible BLM templates for the strategies of ZOOM IN (to nonfiction text features) and DETERMINE IMPORTANCE in Nonfiction texts. Also included are the nonfiction brain pieces, assessment rubrics, the nonfiction song and several versions of “What? So what?” and Interacting with Text templates.
Bundle #7 – HOME READING
Included in this section are reproducible BLM’s for helping parents support their children at home using Reading Power. For each Reading Power strategy you will find a one page overview for parents, a home reading sheet for both parent and child to complete together and a Reading Power bookmark. Also included at the beginning of this section are templates for student Reading Power notebooks including a duo-tang cover or title page, a strategy cue sheet, fiction and nonfiction brain pieces for individual “heads” and the original Reading Power song.
Bundle #8 - WRITING POWER 1
Included in this package you will find reproducible BLM’s for: students’ writing folders, editing checklists, conferencing, assessment rubrics (k-7), planning pages, story strips, writing technique exercises (similes, triple scoop words, personification, organization)and the Writing Power song.
Bundle #9 – WRITING POWER 2
In this package you will find reproducible BLM’s for: Writing to Invite Connections (me, best part of me, special grown-up friend, firsts, and Writing to Invite Visual Images (special place, imaginary place, dragon, character, season, weather) For many lessons, planning sheets are included at three different levels; K, Primary and Intermediate.
Included in this package you will find everything you need for setting up Literature Circles in your class including: information for teachers, a complete reproducible student package for primary and intermediate literature circles, weekly assessment check-lists, assessment rubrics and report card comments.
Included in this bundle package, you will find reproducible templates for: Writing Goals, Text Structure Sort, Writing Techniques including Triple Scoop Words, Dare to Compare and Finding Your Voice and Drawer Organizers. Also included are overviews, planning pages and assessment rubrics for Descriptive, Instructional and Comparative Writing.
Included in this bundle package, you will find overviews, reproducible templates, planning pages and assessment rubrics for the following nonfiction text structures: Persuasive, Comparative, and Nonfiction Narrative which includes templates for both biography and autobiography and timelines.
Bundle #13 - The Most Magnificent Thing School Project
In this bundle you will find everything you need to launch this school-wide (or class based) project to teach Critical Thinking, while engaging your students in a hands-on, inquiry based project they will love! In this bundle, you will find step-by-step instructions on how implement this week-long project, including parent information letter, teacher instructions, key visual for critical thinking, reproducible student handouts for both primary and intermediates which includes an assessment page and a list of picture books that support the project. When you order this bundle, you will also be sent two PDF files containing slides for both launching Critical Thinking and outlining the project.
Bundle #14 - We Are All Connected: Using Reading Power to Exploring Aboriginal Beliefs and Customs
In this bundle you will find everything you need to teach an engaging unit using paired picture books (one aboriginal and one non-aboriginal) to explore different themes connected to First Nations Principals of Learning: self, family, community and land. Reading Power strategies are integrated throughout the unit as students respond to the stories through a wide variety of activities. This bundle includes detailed plans for the weekly lessons, suggested book pairings, student samples and reproducible templates for each lesson.
Bundle #15 - Reading and Thinking Across Canada ![](images/new.png)
Included in this bundle are lessons, book lists and reproducible templates to support lessons to teach students about the history of Canada though true-event picture books from every province and territory. As students "travel" across Canada, they will learn about historical events that collectively makes up the story of our country.
Bundle #16 - Powerful Understanding - "SELF" ![](images/new.png)
Included in this bundle are many reproducible templates to support lessons that will help students develop a stronger sense of self as well as a more positive self identity: name stories, family, culture, grandparents, moral compass, feelings, mindfulness and hopes and dreams. Also included is the Powerful Model that can be used as the frame for all the lessons to help encourage students to stretch their thinking.
Bundle #17 - Powerful Understanding - "OTHERS" ![](images/new.png)
Included in this bundle are many reproducible templates to support lessons that will help build students a deeper understanding of OTHERS. Most important in these lessons is the big idea of "Action – Reaction": we have a choice how we act and our actions will always produce a reaction from others. Positive action = positive reaction; negative action = negative reaction. Other lessons in this bundle include: friendship, friendship fix, inclusion, compassion, kindness, empathy, and community.
Bundle #18 - Powerful Understanding - "WORLD" ![](images/new.png)
Included in this bundle are many variations of reproducible templates to support lessons that will help build students a deeper understanding of the world. Central to these lessons is the big idea of what it means to be a "global citizen" and how, as humans living on this planet, we have a responsibility to take care and take action. Lessons in this bundle include: global citizenship, global education, global activism, global justice, global, global footprint, peace, and privilege and poverty.